Professor Al Fichera
Web Page Design
XHTML... Inline Frames Tag Named <iframe> Made Somewhat Accessible
Inline Frames Display Linked HTML Pages

This page contains a really cool feature that is supported by MSIE, Firefox and Netscape, it's called an Inline Frame or iframe. Notice in the code below that you point to the source html, give it a name and id, and then tell it to scroll or not and display a border or not. Having the title tag there will be help make it accessible.

Here is the code for the left iframe:

<iframe src="demo-iframe.html" title="This page holds some of the elements for iframes" name="noScroll" id="noScroll" width="375" height="350" scrolling="no">
<a href="demo-iframe.html" target="_blank"> XHTML iframe Elements </a> </iframe>

Here is the code for the right iframe:

<iframe src="searchtextmain.html" title="This page holds Lincoln's famous speech from November 19, 1863" name="scroll" id="scroll" width="400" height="350" frameborder="0">
<a href="searchtextmain.html" target="_blank"> Lincoln's Famous Speech </a> </iframe>


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